To check the PC's association with the printer you select the Ports tab. The Ports tab recognizes the port that interfaces the PC to the printer. At the point when the printer is associated by a USB link to the PC, the port mark recognizes a USB port. Once in a while unplugging a USB link and connecting it to an alternate USB port re-builds up the association between the PC and the printer. Driver programs interfacing Windows to the printer port may not work legitimately with Windows. For this situation reinstalling the most recent printer driver projects can resolve this issue. The driver programs should normally coordinate precisely the form of Windows on the PC. Frequently separate driver programs are utilized for the 32-bit and 64-bit variants of Windows. The most recent driver programs are found at the printer maker's site. On the off chance that the printer is a system printer, a standard TCP/IP port is checked. HP Contact Number A TCP/IP port association can be broken when the off-base printer IP address is utilized. To reconnect the printer to the PC, ensure that the IP address on the PC is the same as the IP deliver appointed to the printer. At the point when the printer is a remote printer, checking the association turns out to be more troublesome. Like some other system associated printer, a remote printer must have the IP address coordinate the address utilized by the TCP/IP port on the PC.